[citation needed] In January 1944 he ordered that a group of female prisoners was to be put into one cell. This diary runs from February 11, 1943, through February 8, 1944. It remained active until the larger camp was dissolved. Moreover, hardly any facilities were provided in the beginning. In this way they clearly facilitated the sending of food parcels, which were of course of great help and comfort for the prisoners. Although the sources do not indicate tensions between Grunewald and Rauter, the second commandant was arrested, together with his adjutant, in January 1944, because of his responsibility for the so-called Bunker tragedy (Bunkerdrama). About 1,350 male prisoners came from abroad, mostly from Belgium and, to a lesser extent, from France. People from this group of prisoners were executed in August and September 1944. Lua error in Module:Location_map at line 510: Unable to find the specified location map definition: "Module:Location map/data/Netherlands" does not exist. National Monument Camp Vught (Museum for Concentration Camp Herzogenbusch) Dans la même zone Points de repère. Nevertheless, a fairly well equipped hospital, run by imprisoned doctors, functioned from July 1943 on. Ulrich Herbert, Karin Orth, and Christoph Dieckmann (Gottingen, 1998), 1: 327–348. The main camp, the Schutzhaftlager, was in operation throughout Herzogenbusch’s existence. The building of a camp at Herzogenbusch, a German micturate for 's-Hertogenbosch, started in 1942. Under his regime, a punishment company (Strafkompanie) was set up; partly because of this, the practice of beating up prisoners increased. Like the other prisoners, the Jews were put to work in different internal and external detachments (Innen-und Aussenkommandos). But we shall survive. (Dutch language: Kamp Vught, During World War II, Nazi Germany occupied the Netherlands (1940–1945). The prisoners’ first task was to build the barracks, which was, given the shape they were in, a very strenuous job. Herzogenbusch concentration camp (Dutch: Kamp Vught, German: Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch) was a Nazi concentration camp located in Vught near the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, in the Netherlands.Herzogenbusch was the only concentration camps in western Europe outside of Germany.The camp was first used in 1943 and held 31,000 prisoners. The wall has suffered numerous acts of vandalism: Swastikas were drawn on the wall, using tar, which has seeped into the stone and is impossible to remove. Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). In the camouflaged language of the Germans it was at that time “appropriately” called the Jewish collection camp (Judenauffanglager), suggesting the possibility of a longer stay than in Westerbork, as a Judendurchgangslager. Amersfoort got an extremely negative reputation, and the scarce reports about people imprisoned in camps abroad, notably in Germany, suggested even worse conditions. [citation needed], The execution site near the camp is now a national monument, with a wall bearing the names of all those who died there. After the publication of de Jong, it took another de cade before Coenraad Stuldreher, a former NIOD staff member, published a general article, “Deutsche Konzentrationslager in den Niederlanden: Amersfoort, Westerbork,  Herzogenbusch,” DaHe 5 (1989):141–173, the first publication not in the Dutch language. For political reasons—the Dutch had to be won over in the battle of the Germanic peoples—it was of great importance to Himmler and Rauter to make Herzogenbusch a “perfect” camp. During World War II, Herzogenbusch Concentration Camp was the only SS concentration camp outside of Nazi Germany. The camp itself, formally set up on January 5, 1943,2 started to function on January 13, 1943, with the arrival of about 250 male prisoners (including Jews) from the Amersfoort camp. 77- 85, HSSPF; Coll. Consequently, their penal records are absent. 749 prisoners died in the camp, … Among them was the Herzogenbusch main camp (also known as Vught). 250b (Gevangenissen en Concentratiekampen; algemene verslagen); Coll. In principle, Schutzhaft (protective custody in order to protect state security) could be imposed on all kinds of prisoners: Jews (i.e., those who violated one of the anti- Jewish measures; the so-called Jews qualified for punishment, or straffällige Juden); political prisoners; Jehovah’s Witnesses; “antisocials” (black marketeers, thieves, and others arrested for economic reasons); and criminals (some of them Kapos, coming from Germany). Apart from Jews these included, amongst others, Roma (gypsies), resistance activists and Jehovah’s witnesses. Pohl is referring to this decision in a letter to Rauter, March 29, 1944 (BDC H540: 3649, copied at NIOD), in which he suggests to hand over the camp to Rauter from May 1, 1944. Because of the advance of the Allied forces through France and Belgium, the prisoners of the Schutzhaftlager, the Polizeiliches Durchgangslager, the SD- Lager, and the Frauenkonzentrationslager were transported, on September 5 and 6, 1944, to camps in Germany. He fought during the First World War and was already a member of the Nazi party in 1933. In May 1943, the prisoner population reached its maximum of 9,000 people. Chmilewski was succeeded by Adam Grünewald (October 1943) who worked previously in Dachau and Sachsenhausen. [3] At first, they were guarded by allied soldiers, but shortly after by the Dutch. [citation needed] When Amersfoort and Westerbork appeared to be too small to handle the large amount of prisoners, the Schutzstaffel (SS) decided to build a concentration camp in Vught near the city of 's-Hertogenbosch. The camp was first used in 1943 and held 31,000 prisoners. It was a Nazi concentration camp located in Vught near the town of 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. (Arolsen, 1979), 1:154–157. It was not before 1978 that scholarly attention was publicly paid to the camp. From May 1943 on, women were imprisoned in a separate barracks, called the Frauenkonzentrationslager. A Jewish student, David Koker (b. People claimed to have supplied illegal food and smuggled in notes. : Dear friends, we are now close to the border. Although his conspicuously rude behavior initially did not seem to have raised Rauter’s objections, he was sacked in October 1943 because of misconduct (and even sentenced by an SS court in Berlin to 15 years’ imprisonment). Even more important, they hoped that this protection would safeguard them against deportation. On a theoretical level, Rauter’s last statement can be qualified as highly contradictory. Herzogenbusch concentration camp (Dutch: Kamp Vught, German: Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch) was a Nazi concentration camp located in Vught near the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, in the Netherlands.Herzogenbusch was the only concentration camp run directly by the SS in western Europe outside of Germany. The camp was first used in 1943 and held 31,000 prisoners. Because of the trial’s importance, its complete text was published in 1952. About 30,000 inmates passed through the camp of which about 12,000 were Jews. The Herzogenbusch camp in fact ceased to exist. The family was later tranported to the Groß-Rosen camp (Langenbielau). Outside, an architectural model illustrates the size of the camp. The camp was first used in 1943 and held 31,000 prisoners. Herzogenbusch was the only concentration camps in western Europe outside of Germany. Moreover, the regime in Herzogenbusch obviously did not show itself as cruel as was the case elsewhere. Herzogenbusch was, with Natzweiler-Struthof in occupied France, the only concentration camp run directly by the SS in western Europe outside of Germany. In all, about 12,000 people—men, women, and children—were imprisoned in Herzogenbusch, all of whom were eventually deported to Sobibor and Auschwitz. A German female prisoner betrayed some of her fellow prisoners, as a result of which she was punished by some of them. He was removed in October 1943 for misconduct and later sentenced to 15 years in prison by an SS court. [citation needed], A view along the fences of the camp, 1945. The same day, about 450 Jews arrived from Amsterdam (mainly “armament Jews,” or Rustungsjuden). Until 1978, only memoirs of former prisoners, usually of a highly personal character, had been published. About 8,000 people, more than a quarter of the total number of prisoners, were released. Klein and Justus van de Kamp, Het Philips- Kommando in Kamp Vught (Amsterdam, 2003). I have all my dearest possessions with me: my letters and photos. David wrote poems in his diary and taught Jewish children in the camp. Herzogenbusch Collection de Nadine seguela. The common name for the camp was "Vught" after the district in which the camp was located. Because of its proximity to the municipality of Vught, the Dutch called it Vught. [citation needed] He was sacked in 1943 for stealing from the camp on a large scale. Of these, 329 were murdered at an execution site just outside the camp. Prior to Grünewald’s arrival, prisoners were allowed to maintain a school and engage in religious and cultural ac… The camp functioned from January, 1943, to September, 1944. 749 prisoners died in the camp, and the others were transferred to other camps shortly before Herzogenbusch was liberated by the Allied Forcesin 1944. Like all the other concentration camps, Herzogenbusch is to be considered as a camp complex, that is, a main camp (Hauptlager) with internal sections and several external detachments or subcamps, some of them located in the immediate vicinity of the main camp, others at a distance of over 96 kilometers (60 miles). Because Herzogenbusch was not liberated by Allied forces—it was evacuated before their arrival—its prisoners were not in the position to get hold of camp records and take them home. [2] When allied forces were approaching Herzogenbusch, the camp was evacuated and the prisoners were transferred to concentration camps further east. The immediate cause for this change was the massive overflow of prisoners under investigation (Untersuchungshäftlinge), whose number was far too large to be put up in the prisons of the German police. See also Tineke Wibaut- Guilonard and Ed Mager, Kamp Vught 1943–1944: Eindpunt . Maar erdoor komen we. Afterward, the Wehrmacht took over the facility and used it as a prisoner-of-war (POW) camp before handing it over to the Dutch Red Cross. The SS leadership was satisfied with his performance. She was 18 years old.[5][6]. About two months afterward, however, it was renamed according to its basic function. In the Schutzhaftlager, people imprisoned for purely political reasons made up only a minority. RSHA Circular, January 18, 1943, NIOD [C61.01], Collection 250g. A few hundred hostages were locked up, generally for not longer than a couple of months. Kamp Vught was the only concentration camp controlled by the SS outside Germany in Western Europe. 749 prisoners died in the camp… Herzogenbusch was, with Natzweiler-Struthof in occupied France, the only concentration camp run directly by the SS in western Europe outside of Germany. work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. I think a lot about you. View the list of all donors. Herzogenbusch concentration camp (Dutch: Kamp Vught, German: Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch) was a Nazi concentration camp located in Vught near the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, in the Netherlands. 250gg (Vught II). Dat zal nu wel lang duren. The crematorium, the fence and a ditch dug by the prisoners are all authentic. This made him responsible for the daily routine of the camp. Detachments where prisoners constructed and repaired airfields (Arnheim, Eindhoven, GilzeRijen [aka Breda], Leeuwarden, and Venlo); Detachments where prisoners worked on coastal defenses (Moerdijk and Roosendaal); Detachments where prisoners performed administrativework on behalf of the Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (’s-Gravenhage, Haaren, and St. Michielsgestel); One detachment where prisoners were deployed for industrial labor (Herzogenbusch). Les premiers prisonniers arrivèrent à Vught le 13 janvier 1943. M'n liefste bezit. 51°39′57″N 5°15′32″E / 51.66583°N 5.25889°E51.66583; 5.25889. Herzogenbusch concentration camp was a Nazi concentration camp located in Vught near the town of 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. Herzogenbusch became known as one of the few concentration camps located outside the Reich territory (Reichsgebiet). Goodbye. . However, apart from the usual harassment, working conditions for them were much harder. Herzogenbusch concentration camp was one of the three German concentration camps in the Netherlands during the Second World War. 8 (’s-Gravenhage, 1978). The women and children stayed in the Frauenkonzentrationslager. The Herzogenbusch concentration camp was the only SS concentration camp outside Germany and the German annexed territories. On the other hand, escape from these subcamps appeared to be easier than from the main camp. [7], The last commander of Herzogenbusch was 50-year-old Hans Hüttig. Although informative, these publications cannot serve as a solid basis for scholarly research, as they are devoid of fact- checking or source references. A second transport—some 2,000 prisoners from Amersfoort—arrived three days later. Herzogenbusch, located in The Netherlands, was the only official concentration camp in western Europe located outside of Germany. Today there is a visitors' centre which includes exhibitions and a memorial Nationaal Monument Kamp … Dans le centre de mémoire on peut visiter plusieurs expositions, l’espace de recueillement et le mur de réaction. The Nazis transported Jewish and other prisoners from the Netherlands via the transit camps Amersfoort and Westerbork to concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. The complete construction of the site was financed from confiscated Jewish capital. Watchtowers and barbed wire fences in the camp, Herzogenbusch concentration camp (German pronunciation: [hɛɐtsoːgənbuʃ][Stress?]) Geoffrey Megargee. On 2 June 1944 he and his family were transported by train to Auschwitz-Birkenau. See his Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, vol. The grounds now house an educational museum about the camp (known in Dutch as Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught),[9] a Dutch military base called Van Brederodekazerne, a neighbourhood of Maluku refugees, and a high security prison called Nieuw Vosseveld. By the beginning of October 1943, this was the fate of more than 10,000 people. Actually, some of them operated only for a couple of months. David got the chance to throw a letter from the train. Rauter was very keen on maintaining this so-called high level quality and is said to have inspected the site three or four times. Herzogenbusch was, with Natzweiler-Struthof in occupied France, the only concentration camp run directly by the SS in western Europe outside Germany. At that time, Louis de Jong, the former NIOD director who published a 14- volume series about the general history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in World War II, devoted one of his volumes completely to the Nazi prisons and camps. Tot ziens. Covers. He was killed in battle in 1945. Experience the history and the current importance of the former SS camp Vught. About one-third of the Philips-Transport prisoners survived. [2] The camp was modelled on concentration camps in Germany. German camp inmates were transferred with them, in order to be prominently placed as Kapos in the prisoner hierarchy. 749 prisoners died in the camp, and the others were transferred to other camps shortly before the camp was liberated by the Allied Forces in 1944. Vol 1, Early Camps, Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps under the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA), ed. The first camp commandant was SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Karl Walter Chmielewski, who previously served in Sachsenhausen. David's mother and brother Max survived the war, but David died during a transport of sick people to Dachau in 1945.[4]. Washington, DC 20024-2126 People had to answer questions about its function, the number and types of prisoners, personal contacts with the guards or prisoners, and so on. The museum consists of an indoor and an outdoor area. Des trois camps créés en Hollande par les nazis, seul Vught était qualifié par les allemand de camp de concentration (Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch). Although certainly not as tough as his predecessors, Huttig was said to have exerted power from behind his desk. Herzogenbusch concentration camp Upload media Wikipedia: Instance of: Nazi concentration camp, military museum, Ilag: Named after 's-Hertogenbosch ; Vught ; Location: Vught, North Brabant, Netherlands : Said to be the same as: Vught: 51° 39′ 56.99″ N, 5° 15′ 24.01″ E: Authority control Q153713 GND ID: 4028140-1 NKCR AUT ID: zmp2018978407. In total, about 2,000 men and 300 women were imprisoned in this camp. 749 prisoners died in the camp, and the others were transferred to other camps shortly before the camp was liberated by the Allied Forces in 1944. His replacement was SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Adam Grunewald, who worked previously in Dachau and Sachsenhausen. Herzogenbusch was, with Natzweiler-Struthof in occupied France, the only concentration camp run directly by the SS in western Europe outside Germany. He did not want it to be a police transit or extended police camp (Polizeiliches Durchgangslager or Erweitertes Polizeilager) like Amersfoort, or a Judendurchgangslager like Westerbork. After the war, the camp was used as a prison for Germans and for Dutch collaborators. Most of these sections did not exist through the full period when Herzogenbusch was active. Two women stood out in the neighborhood for their efforts to get to know the names of the prisoners, in order to pass this information to the prisoners’ family members. It came into being because of the attempts by the resistance on the lives of high-placed Dutch Nazis. 749 prisonniers sont morts dans le camp, et les autres ont été transférés dans d'autres camps peu de temps avant la libération du camp par les forces alliées en 1944. Par aprè… In this speech, about the specificc qualities of the SS, he did not refrain from calling the camp “an exemplary SS operation” (Musterbetrieb der SS).4. About 60 percent of the prisoners were released; the rest were transported to different concentration camps in Germany. It is not surprising at all that by April 1943 over 200 prisoners had perished. When the camp was liberated in September 1944, by the 4th Canadian Armored Division and the 96th Battery of the 5th Anti-Tank Division, the camp was almost deserted. History. The camp premises were liberated on October 26, 1944. Information about the opening and closing dates of the main camp and subcamps, the type of prisoners, and prisoner labor can be found in the ITS, Verzeichnis der Haftstätten unter dem Reichsführer- SS (1933–1945), 2 vols. In reprisal, about 600 students and 1,200 sons of upper- class families (Plutokraten-Söhnchen) were arrested at the beginning of February and transferred to Herzogenbusch. On the bunker and the crematorium, see the testimony of former prisoner Wibaut- Guilonard, Kamp Vught 1943–1944: Bunker en krematorium (Amsterdam, 1992). This incident took place on the night of January 15–16, 1944. Whose formative career experience came in Natzweiler espace de recueillement et le mur de réaction Veld, ed. de. Few concentration camps detachments ( Innen-und Aussenkommandos ) [ 3 ] at first, they were by. During his internment he wrote a diary, which was smuggled out of the camp 's bij me,. 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